Custom Scratch-off Tickets and Associations: Organizing a Raffle
Associations, Win Prizes with Custom Scratch-off Tickets
When setting up actions for an association, it can sometimes be challenging to carry out projects to raise funds and serve the purpose for which it was created. Sensitizing the public and making donation appeals can be interesting, but it's also essential to offer something different. Organizing a raffle through custom scratch-off tickets can be a good way to invite the public to participate in a noble project while having the opportunity to win a prize. However, certain rules must be followed.
Organizing a Raffle as an Association
An association has every right to organize a raffle with a draw, provided it adheres to certain rules. There are various regulations to consider. First and foremost, the association organizing the raffle must have, in its statutory purpose, charity, the encouragement of the arts, or the practice of a sports activity. The prizes must all be movable property, and the cost of the organization (including the purchase of prizes) must not exceed 15% of the total amount issued. Therefore, it can be interesting to approach local merchants or those in the area to inquire if they would like to participate in the raffle by offering a prize that can be won by one of the participants. This type of event requires obtaining authorization from the town hall to specify various information (nature of the tickets, ticket prices, deadlines for winners to claim prizes, destination of profits made with the organization of the raffle, and much more) and ensure that the desired raffle complies with all applicable regulations.
Choosing Custom Scratch-off Tickets as Raffle Tickets
The raffle is based on the principle of random winners, just like custom scratch-off tickets. Typically, organizing a draw requires renting a venue to gather participants, incurring costs for the association when the initial goal is to raise funds. There is an alternative that will allow potential winners to know immediately if they have won their prize and also avoid some expenses. Indeed, the use of custom scratch-off tickets will allow selling tickets directly to participants and distributing prizes on the spot. For example, one can propose the sale of tickets at a market or during an event to attract the public and give everyone the opportunity to leave with a prize. The use of custom scratch-off tickets will allow choosing the desired number of tickets, customizing them in the colors of the association, for example, and also writing the desired text on the ticket. Participants can then go on-site, buy custom scratch-off tickets, and find out if they have won something or not. Of course, it will be necessary to check in advance with the municipality if this new type of raffle is accepted, and if so, all the necessary documents must also be completed to set up its organization. If the association obtains authorization from the town hall, it will then be possible to approach merchants and companies to see if they would like to donate a prize to be won, and then proceed to the creation of tickets and sales. This is an effective way to raise funds for your association while offering something more original than a simple donation appeal. Discover our various models of custom scratch-off tickets now!