How to energize a sales force with a scratch card game?
To be responsible for a team requires very versatile skills for a manager. So, when it comes to creating emulation within the collective, a certain lack of creativity is sometimes felt. In this article, we will reveal our best tips for energizing your sales force effectively and originally. Discover now how to use the scratch card game to motivate your salespeople!
Why energize your sales force?
As a commercial manager, you must not only drive the objectives and results of your team, but you are also responsible for the atmosphere within the group. It is often this last point that is problematic because each collaborator has their own character and frame of reference. The challenge is therefore to be able to adapt to each one to reconcile achieving commercial objectives while maintaining a positive and motivating atmosphere within the team. That's why it's essential to animate your sales force daily.
Contented collaborators are even more effective collaborators. That's the whole challenge of animating your sales team! By setting attainable goals for your sales team, they will be even more motivated to exceed them. The ideal is therefore to involve them in defining the commercial objectives to create a team spirit and have them approved by each member that makes up the sales force. This will be reflected in the performance of your sales team and your results will be even better.
How to use scratch card games to challenge your collaborators?
By regularly implementing team animations within the company, you will actively participate in creating a pleasant work atmosphere and motivating your sellers! Commercial challenges are a particularly effective way to create emulation within a sales team. But if you want to stand out, we recommend scratch card games to animate your sales force. The originality of the challenge will undoubtedly catch their attention, and your teams will be even more motivated to push themselves to win.
Introducing scratch card games into a company's commercial challenge allows you to create a whole new universe to animate your sales team. The fun and lighthearted aspect of the scratch card game will surely appeal to all collaborators and will help develop a team spirit. The emulation created around the game will help create a motivating work environment for your sales teams. Moreover, the potential monetary reward of the scratch card game appeals to the extrinsic motivation of your team and will therefore generate additional motivation to maximize their performance and win the reward.
This challenge around the scratch card game will help create a spirit of competition among the members that make up your sales force. This is an indispensable aspect in the world of commerce because it is through this type of commercial animation that you can maximize your turnover and achieve very good results. Therefore, do not neglect them, and on the contrary, do not hesitate to invest in these innovative and fun animations to arouse the interest of your salespeople. The key is to never neglect your accompanying role as a manager, including during these challenges, so that your team is aware that they can count on you.